Social Aspects of Educational Researches: Trends and Issues

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  • National Institute of Technical Teacher's Training and Research (NinTR), Kolkata, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700106 ,IN


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The present paper, on its prephase, emphasises the need of classifying educational research and also suggests certain criteria for classifying those. Second phase of the paper illustrates nature of research apart from suggesting the rationale of introducing appropriate medium for disseminating outcomes of such researches. In the later phase the paper analyses education in relation to culture to understand social process prevailing in institutional setup. Interphase between social aspects and planning aspects, economic factor, major social sub-systems and potential approaches has been analysed in the penultimate section of the paper.


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How to Cite

Roy, R. (2005). Social Aspects of Educational Researches: Trends and Issues. Indian Science Cruiser, 19(3), 39–46. Retrieved from



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