Exploring the Indication of Life on Mars

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  • Indian Science Cruiser ,IN


The Mars rover curiosity has sent the first ever colored photos on earth, the pictures from a strange, red shining world. It has landed in a crater in which once water must have been present. There is a chance of possible indication to find former/future life on the Red Planet. The data which were required by the rover during the flight and landing are replaced by data to be made use for navigation for analysis of probes and setting the making of pictures. This took time not only on account of big quantity of data but because the transmission time between the earth and Mars lasted for 15 minutes.


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How to Cite

Ghosh, A. K. (2012). Exploring the Indication of Life on Mars. Indian Science Cruiser, 26(6), 61–63. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ISC/article/view/37840



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