Unscientific Capturing of Horseshoe Crabs in Sunderbans

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The vendor, selling mustard oil saturated blackish brown body parts of the horseshoe crabs at the railway platform of Ballygunge station, glowers me hearing my query about the medicinal values of all those body parts of horseshoe crabs. The vendor, perhaps, ascertains that I am not his actual customer and naturally he replies nothing about it. But I continue hearing him standing behind his stall at the platform shouting about medicinal values of the body parts of horseshoe crabs like cure of rheumatism and other painful diseases with inflammation in the joints and muscles inclusive the thread-uses of ring-like pieces of telson of the horseshoe crabs for stopping of urines excreted by sleeping children in bed at night.


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How to Cite

Das, G. K. (2020). Unscientific Capturing of Horseshoe Crabs in Sunderbans. Indian Science Cruiser, 34(1), 8–9. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ISC/article/view/37771



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