Marine Pollution, its Effects on Foraminifera with Reference to Some Examples from the Indian Waters: A Review

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  • GSI, Kolkata-32 ,IN


Food Chain, Biotic Equilibrium, Euryecious. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).


Marine pollution is a matter of global concern because the dimension and magnitude of the health hazard in the coastal region is increasing day by day due to pollution. Marino organisms have an important role in identifying the nature of pollution because the endogenous and exogenous effects of pollution are clearly evident on the biota. The toxicity of the pollutant distantly changes from euryecious to steneceous biota depending upon the alkalinity, chlorinity and metal content of the sea water. Foraminifera are very sensitive to any kind of pollutant in the marine and estuarine environment. They are used as an important proxy indicator in different parts of World Ocean. The present paper enumerates some examples of marine pollution within the P^xclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of India and other parts of World Ocean with the help of foraminifera and other biota.


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How to Cite

Bhattacharjee, D. (2009). Marine Pollution, its Effects on Foraminifera with Reference to Some Examples from the Indian Waters: A Review. Indian Science Cruiser, 23(2), 20–26. Retrieved from



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