Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate Journal http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/2meoga <div class="scrolling-limit"> <div class="scrolling"><img src="https://informaticsjournals.com/public/journals/17/new.gif" alt="new.gif" /> Free submissions to the journal will close on 20th September. All submissions after 20th September 2024 will be charged APC</div> </div> <div id="i-scholarabout"><img class="media-object" style="width: 222px; float: left; margin: 0px 35px 15px 20px;" src="https://informaticsjournals.com/public/journals/82/coverimage.jpg" /> <p><strong>Title :</strong> Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate <br /><strong>Editor in Chief :</strong> Dr. Jayanta Bhattachrya <br /><strong>Frequency :</strong> Quarterly<br /><strong>Online ISSN :</strong> Applied for<br /><strong>Publisher :</strong> Informatics Publishing Limited<br /><strong>Copyright :</strong> Informatics Publishing Limited <br /><strong>Published since :</strong> 2024<br /><strong>Subject :</strong> Minerals, Metals, Energy, Oil, Gas , Engineering, Aggregates etc.. <br /><strong>Language :</strong> English <br /><strong>Publication Format :</strong> Online <br /><strong>Email :</strong> editor@informaticsglobal.com <br /><strong>Website :</strong> https://www.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/2meoga/</p> <br /><strong>Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate </strong> is published by Informatics publishing Ltd. and Books &amp; Journals Private Limited. This is in publication since 2024. This is now an <strong>Open Access, Double-Blind Peer Reviewed,</strong> and <strong>Quarterly Journal</strong>. The journal invites submissions in the below mentioned categories:</div> <div><br /><br /> <ul> <li>Review Articles</li> <li>Short Review</li> <li>Research Articles</li> <li>Case Report</li> <li>Short Communication </li> </ul> </div> <h3>Testimonials</h3> <p><strong>Enthusiastic Responses to the launch of the Journal, "Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate"</strong></p> <p>Only a week back the journal has been launched and we have started getting encouraging responses from the leaders of the various fields. Given below are the responses:</p> <ol> <li>Good idea. My best wishes for its grand success : <strong>Piyush Mittal</strong>, Ex-Coal India Limited Executive</li> <li>It is going to be an avenue for publishing for young academic and research scholars and reach to the world.<strong> J.K. Reddy</strong>, Research Scholar</li> <li>Thank you very much for bringing out a new journal. It will close the gap of publishing channels for the scholars like us. <strong>Prasun Bandopadhaya</strong>, Research Scholar</li> <li>An excellent initiative. Wish for its sustained growth: <strong>Lokesh Ray</strong>, Prominent Mining Consultant.</li> <li>I was excited to go through your venture of launching a new magazine catering to mineral industry, I wish it every success: <strong>J.P. Goenka</strong>, Prominent Mining Equipment Manufacturer and Businessman.</li> <li>An outstanding and commendable efforts…. deserves our best wishes for all round success. Hope it will be a useful medium for sharing technical advances, knowledge and information of value for professionals concerned: <strong>Smarajit Chakrabarti</strong>, Ex-Coal India Limited Executive.</li> <li>The first issue makes for interesting reading. I am sure that future issues will be even better : <strong>Adhir Ojha</strong>, Independent Consultant</li> <li>It's just a superb and outstanding effort by any measure. Yes, I'm in complete agreement with others to promote these kinds of efforts for the common good of science and technology and mankind: P<strong>radip K. (PK) Gangopadhyay</strong>, Ex-Oil &amp; Gas Industry Professional.</li> <li>Compliments for this effort – am sure it will benefit those engaged in business in the field of mining in India and abroad. <strong>Brig Pradip Mehta</strong>, VSM, Retd.</li> <li>Excellent Effort. I am particularly happy that aggregates have been included in the scope. I encourage everyone to publish articles of interest. <strong>Dr. Ajoy Kumar Moitra</strong>, Ex-Geological Survey of India.</li> <li>Really heartwarming to see that a new journal of the discipline has come out after such a long time. I encourage everyone to publish to sustain the journal. <strong>Dr. J.R. Kayal</strong>, Geophysicist, Geological Survey of India</li> <li>It is a new dawn in publishing of mining related journals. With minerals in shortage across the world, this journal can bring the urgent discussions to the table. <strong>Ajay K. Das</strong>, Ex-mineral trading professional.</li> </ol> <p><a href="https://jgatenext.com/" target="blank"><img src="https://www.srels.org/public/journals/57/jgate.png" alt="" width="160" height="77" /> <img src="https://www.informaticsjournals.com/public/site/google.png" /> <img src="https://www.informaticsjournals.com/public/site/crossref.png" /></a></p> en-US Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate Journal Study on the Responses of Seed Germination and Vegetation Growth in Degraded Lands by the Application of Biochar Composites http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/2meoga/article/view/44667 <p>Approximately 25% of the Earth’s land is classified as degraded. Degraded lands are distinguished by their very low production attributable to the lack of major and micronutrients, as well as inadequate water retention capacity. The present work has successfully synthesized biochar, a porous carbon substance, by subjecting raw wood biomass to pyrolysis at three distinct temperatures (400, 500, and 600 °C). The biochar was combined with several binders, including lime, vermicompost, and clay, and then transformed into pellets by moulding it and subjecting it to compressive pressure ranging from 20 to 200 MPa using a universal testing machine. The physicochemical characteristics of the biochar pellets were analyzed and afterward evaluated for their suitability as a soil ameliorant using a laboratory-scale seed germination test. The findings revealed that the biochar pellets exhibit an alkaline pH range and include a high concentration of nutrients. The results of the seed germination test showed that the addition of biochar pellets to the soil significantly enhanced both the seed germination index and seed growth, in comparison to the raw soil. Hence, this initial laboratory experiment unequivocally shown that biochar pellets can be employed for the restoration of deteriorated soil due to their straightforward methodology and cost-efficiency.</p> Isha Medhaa Subhash Chandra Bidus Kanti Das Copyright (c) 2024 Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate Journal 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 109 125 10.18311/2MEOGA/2024/v1i2/44667 Study to Ascertain the Efficacy of the Bag Filters Attached to Various Locations at a Calcining Plant http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/2meoga/article/view/44973 <p>This study investigates the efficacy of bag filters installed at various locations within a calcining plant situated in Paradeep, Odisha, India. The plant processes raw petroleum coke into calcined petroleum coke, generating significant amounts of particulate matter and gaseous emissions. The research focuses on assessing ambient air quality inside the plant premises and evaluating the performance of the bag filters in reducing particulate and gaseous pollutants. Measurements of PM<sub>2.5</sub>, PM<sub>10</sub>, SO<sub>x</sub>, and NO<sub>x</sub> were taken using the EVM-7 equipment under operating and non-operating conditions of the bag filters. Results indicated substantial reductions in particulate concentrations when bag filters were in operation, although some levels remained above standard limits. The study highlights the importance of continuous operation and maintenance of pollution control equipment, proper handling of materials, and enhanced housekeeping practices to mitigate indoor air pollution and ensure workplace safety.</p> Biswajit Samal Kumar Raja Vanapalli Sankalp Raj Ravish Dubey Jayanta Bhattacharya Copyright (c) 2024 Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate Journal 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 148 157 10.18311/2MEOGA/2024/v1i2/44973 Study of Technical and Engineering Aspects of the Existing Venturi Scrubber System for Effectiveness in a Plant http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/2meoga/article/view/44975 <p>Coke calcining plant generates significant amount of particulate matter and gases from exhaust streams causing respiratory health issues as well as environmental impact. In order to control its implications, proper inspection and maintenance of emission control technologies plays vital role. The present study reviews air pollution issues related to calcine pet coke industry and through analysis of indoor and outdoor air quality assessment from CPC plant and its implications over nearby housing settlements at different working capacities of the plant. Upon careful investigation the study recommended mitigation measures to be adopted such as regular maintenance of cyclone separator and bag filters as well as rearrangement of loading warehouse area, increasing green cover with strategic planning, etc.</p> Prakash Takshal Srija Arasavilli Jayanta Bhattacharya Copyright (c) 2024 Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate Journal 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 126 136 10.18311/2MEOGA/2024/v1i2/44975 Recovering a Legacy of Old Iron Ore Consolidated Fines Dump on a Mountain Side and Working Out a Method of Mining: Conservation of Minerals and Freeing Space http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/2meoga/article/view/44974 <p>In many of the ore mines, the sub-grade minerals at various times are separately dumped at sites that over time grow into dumps on the downhill side of mountain top. Once regarded as sub-grade, in the times of demand and scarcity they are reclaimed to be sold with blending or directly feeding into furnaces as, most often they are in the form of fines. The slope stability study and safe working remain the key for reclamation and future stability of the fines dump. The work is related to the Study of slope stability of 33.00 Million tonnes of Iron ore dump fines at an iron ore mine in India. The geotechnical study of the present dump slopes as well as a detailed numerical modeling of the proposed pit layout at different stages of mining of the dump has been presented in this article. The study presents a case as to how such old legacy dumps can be mined without compromising safety.</p> B.B. Mandal Sujeet Bharti Kaushik Dey Jayanta Bhattacharya Copyright (c) 2024 Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate Journal 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 137 147 10.18311/2MEOGA/2024/v1i2/44974 Determining Factors Influencing Risk-Taking Behaviour of Employees at Work in Factories: A Case Study http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/2meoga/article/view/45223 <p>Safety has become a top priority for industries with the advancement of technology. As production is being increased on a large scale, it simultaneously increases the risk of those working in industries due to increased work demand under cost control. Despite all efforts to improve overall safety at the workplace industrial accidents are common. Conventional risk assessment theory emphasizes four major aspects and doesn’t deal with the behavioural aspect of those working in the industry. Without knowing the factors that influence the risk-taking behaviour of employees it is difficult to ensure workplace safety. The present study will deeply explore factors that influence the behaviour of an employee working in an industry that either motivates or compels an individual to take risks witch in later converts in accidents. This investigation was a case-control study conducted on 100 workers from an Industry in the period 2023. A standardized questionnaire called Workers’ Response Device (WRD) was used to assess Poor Safety culture, management commitment, Safety awareness, Job dissatisfaction, job stress and Work environment. The WRD was filled by interviewing the workers. Poor safety culture scores’ mean is 34.3100 and the standard deviation is 9.38158, the maximum value is 54 and the minimum value is 22. Job dissatisfaction involvement has a mean value of 17.11 and ranges from 1 to 20, the standard deviation and skewness of poor job involvement are 3.43 and 0.653 respectively. Job dissatisfaction has a mean value of 10.49 and ranges from 1 to 29, standard deviation and skewness of job dissatisfaction are 6.30 and 0.447 respectively. Skewness, mean and standard deviation for job stress are 0.128, 26.52, and 4.71 respectively. It was concluded that poor safety culture, job dissatisfaction and job stress played significant roles in the risk-taking behaviour of employees. This information would help in implementing preventive programs to improve workplace safety and reduce accidents.</p> Brajesh Mishra Copyright (c) 2024 Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate Journal 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 96 108 10.18311/2MEOGA/2024/v1i2/45223 Part 2: Recession and Low Sales Looming. How to Make 2MEOGA Companies Recession-Proof to Reduce the Scorching Impact- Situations and Actions http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/2meoga/article/view/45301 <p>No Abstract.</p> Jayanta Bhattacharya Copyright (c) 2024 Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate Journal 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 75 84 10.18311/2MEOGA/2024/v1i2/45301 The Transformative Power of Storytelling in the Resource Industry http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/2meoga/article/view/45405 <p>Storytelling—an ancient skill for transmitting knowledge, values, and culture—has evolved into a crucial tool in the resource industry. It serves various practical purposes, from enhancing safety to fostering innovation and reducing CO₂ emissions. This article delves into the importance of storytelling in the resource industry, highlighting its impact on safety, education, training, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability, offering a promising path towards a more sustainable and hopeful future.</p> Catherine Lalut Copyright (c) 2024 Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate Journal 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 85 87 10.18311/2MEOGA/2024/v1i2/45405 2MEOGA Discussion-Opinion-Editorial “Raise” Silence of the Women in 2MEOGA Sectors: It is Time the Industry Listens to the Unheard Voices and Confronts Acts of Violence, Harassment and Discrimination http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/2meoga/article/view/44668 <p>No Abstract.</p> Jayanta Bhattacharya Copyright (c) 2024 Mineral Metal Energy Oil Gas and Aggregate Journal 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 88 95 10.18311/2MEOGA/2024/v1i2/44668